The Ground Tour – Social Design Reader #2

The Ground Tour is a journey starting in Vienna, cruising the outskirts of Rome, touching ground in Prato and Florence on our way to the depths of the Venice Lagoon. The tour will grind much too common assumptions about Italy's beauty and culture and will bring onto the surface a different portrayal of a country as it is acting at the edges of mainstream society. The journey evocatively recalls the historical Grand Tour of the period of Enlightenment which aimed to educate and open horizons to a privileged class of people who nevertheless tried to contribute to human progress and learn from the experience of traveling.


Publication Design, 2018

Ed. Enrico Tomassini
Published via BoD
ISBN 978-3752861280
178 pages

Made for

Social Design – Arts as Urban Innovation
University of Applied Arts Vienna


Art Direction: SCHIENERL D/AD